
«True people» (Nenei nenecha) – self-name of Nenets, the indigenous people of the Yamal peninsula, and the name of the complex 2015–2016 ethnographic expedition. Project participants and the visitors of the resource will be the part of the reindeer herders's family during the whole year just to «dive» in the casual life of the modern XXI century nomads.


Education for nomads

End of the summer and beginning of the school time

In July and August kids spend a lot of time outside with herders near reindeer hers: they learn how to use lasso imitating adults, kill gad-flies or find another activities for themselves. Out kindergarden group lessons' topics this time are mostly related to summer. 

Here for example kids are showing paper cuts with summer flowers: 

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After we separated from other families and left only with Serotetto family and its herd, our group became smaller. Before saying goodbye kind made another art project, with chums of our encampment. 

On August 21st a helicopter took Serotetto children of schoolage to Yar-Sale town, soon the school will begin. 

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Summer lessons in our nomadic kindergarten

It's all according to the plan in our nomadic kindergarten: Alexandra Terekhina continues giving lessons with the children, and every time improving her phantasy by diving several different tasks for kids of different age. For example, Hasavako in three weeks will already leave for Yar-Sale town to start the school, and ant the same time there are several 3-4 years old kids, who play and study at the same time. These days Alexandra is choosing topics related to summer. Also there are new kids joining the group (from the family which joined us not long time ago). «New» kids are mostly shy, and need some time to come our and adjust to the group routine.

Below is an example of a lesson in the open air. This kind of activity is usually followed by many abservers: 

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CHildren are modelling fish. Semenko with his work: 

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Nikita is showing his fish: 

(please press «Читать полностью»):


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Learning any time any place!

This update we'd like to dedicate to everyday's life of our nomadic kindergarten's group. Alexandra Terekhina is teaching kindergarten lessons, when no kaslanie (movement to the next encampment place) is planned. In warm days children are learning outside of the chum

On the picture below there are little Nadya and Masha Маленькие, besides them Albina, the kindergarten teacher's helper:

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Alexandra Terekhina, nomadic kindergarten's teacher: 

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Everybody are prepared for kaslanie. Hasavako is resiving alphabet letters, besides him — Alexandra, Albina and Pedava: 

(for further reading please press «Читать полностью»)

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Kindergarten news

Two children of Serotetto family stayed with Mamanjka and Nacha for the whole summer. In our kindergarten group there are now Olja (just finished the 2nd grade) and already familiar to you Hasavako (6 years), Semyon (5 years) and Pedava (3 years). 

The day our chum and herd move to the next stop, there are no lessons in the kindergarden group. Elder children help as much as they can: hold the rope when adults drive reindeers to the corral, or help to move staff. Semyon and Pedava stay always closeby and observe carefully what others do. 

The days we don't move and our chum stays at the same place, the kindergarden's lessons continue as planned. End of April parents took schoolchildren Yana, Olja end Yedeyko from the boarding school, that is thy there are some changes in our lesson programm. For example, we are training rading and writing with Olja, while reading especially still need a lot to improve. 

Hasavako is writing digits, Olja — nouns and verbs: 


Semyon and his «snowmobile»:


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The kindergarten is opened!

Our classes started on the next day after the first kaslanie (April 10). 4 groups of such a form already are working in Yamalskiy region. The are basing in brigadas and have the certain number of kids from the families of brigada. Our group – is the first experience of the organizing of the pre-school education of the free reindeer hereder's children. The number of kids will be different during the season and now I've got three pupils: Hasavako (6 years), Semyon (5 years) and Pedava (3 years) but this small group will increase soon. In nomadic kindergartens and schools teacher usually has to take multi-level class working with children of different age, preparing for different «level» different kinds of activities,educational materials and tasks.

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