
«True people» (Nenei nenecha) – self-name of Nenets, the indigenous people of the Yamal peninsula, and the name of the complex 2015–2016 ethnographic expedition. Project participants and the visitors of the resource will be the part of the reindeer herders's family during the whole year just to «dive» in the casual life of the modern XXI century nomads.


It's all according to the plan in our nomadic kindergarten: Alexandra Terekhina continues giving lessons with the children, and every time improving her phantasy by diving several different tasks for kids of different age. For example, Hasavako in three weeks will already leave for Yar-Sale town to start the school, and ant the same time there are several 3-4 years old kids, who play and study at the same time. These days Alexandra is choosing topics related to summer. Also there are new kids joining the group (from the family which joined us not long time ago). «New» kids are mostly shy, and need some time to come our and adjust to the group routine.

Below is an example of a lesson in the open air. This kind of activity is usually followed by many abservers: 

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CHildren are modelling fish. Semenko with his work: 

IMG 2931

Nikita is showing his fish: 

(please press «Читать полностью»):


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In the middle there is Igor with his grandfather Savoli Podovitch: 

IMG 2944

The goosу is «flying»:

IMG 2946

Distinctive face expression of Pedavako: 

IMG 2951

Hasavako's fish: 

IMG 2953

Semenis concentrating on coloring a fox: 

IMG 2996

Masha Hudi:

IMG 2999


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Alexantra Terekhina, nomadic kindergarten's teacher:

IMG 3008

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