
«True people» (Nenei nenecha) – self-name of Nenets, the indigenous people of the Yamal peninsula, and the name of the complex 2015–2016 ethnographic expedition. Project participants and the visitors of the resource will be the part of the reindeer herders's family during the whole year just to «dive» in the casual life of the modern XXI century nomads.


As you remember, in our last post we stopped at the description of Marra-Sale end everyday life of it's inhabitants. After a very rich of events day in Marra-Sale we decided to go back to tundra. We planned to start around June 22nd, but how it's often happening in Yamal, weather always had its own plans. A strong wind from the West drove ice-cakes to the sea shore which made it impossible to put out to the sea. This is how we fund ourselves in the "ice isolation" again.

Ice-cakes block the way out of Marra-Sale:

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Alexandra at the Kara Sea seashore: 

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Kara Sea near Marra-Sale: 

(please press "Читать полностью")


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Alexander and the Kara Sea:

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The wind changed its direction only after 24 hours, and on June 23rd in the evening we put out to the sea - with Hadko's sons Sergey and Taichi also heading to Bovanenkovo. After 15 km we changes to Pupta and Hanuta's boat, which was left on the seashore 3 days ago.

The Kara Sea seashore between Marra-Sale and Mordy-Yaha river's estuary: 

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Waiting for good weather. Taichi on the ice-cake: 

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Taichi and Sergey in the boat on the way to Mordy-Yaha. 

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In about half way to Mordy-Yaha two boats had to stop again - this time because of huge waves - and then go back to the nomads camp. We started to worry - our reindeer herder's family could move to abother place far from from mordy-Yaha river where we should be brought by two brothers. And also we needed one more day in Bovanenkovo for food and fuel shopping.

So after our first unsuccessful attempt to go back, we just waited the whole night for the wind to calm. About 01:00 we wake sleepy and tired brothers and they agreed that is was good time to do another try. 

On June 24th in the morning we finally arrived in Pupta and Hanuta's chum, and in the evening - in Bovanenkovo, where stayed again at home of hydrologist from Saint-Petersburg. 

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