
«True people» (Nenei nenecha) – self-name of Nenets, the indigenous people of the Yamal peninsula, and the name of the complex 2015–2016 ethnographic expedition. Project participants and the visitors of the resource will be the part of the reindeer herders's family during the whole year just to «dive» in the casual life of the modern XXI century nomads.


We are heading North, before rivers haven't free from ice. Sometimes we are moving two days in a row, app.13-14 kilometers every day. We are moving extremely slowly, because reinreers break down through the wet and soft snow surface. 


Alexandra leads argish (Nenets.: myud) of 6 nastas (not including her female narta), Sasha rode snowmobile behind the herd and drives reindeers in the needed direction. In the female narta of Alexandra there is another passanger - Semyon. Snowmibile was then left behind. 


The most important news nowadays is that we joined together with two other families. Herd are mixed for easier pasturing, and with put our 3 chums closeby at the standing points. We also have already had first kaslanie together. These two families also have children, but we stil didn't have time to make joined lessons in our moving kindergarden. Now the main activity is to control and recollect nartas: winter staff and heavy nartas will be left behind. 

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