
«True people» (Nenei nenecha) – self-name of Nenets, the indigenous people of the Yamal peninsula, and the name of the complex 2015–2016 ethnographic expedition. Project participants and the visitors of the resource will be the part of the reindeer herders's family during the whole year just to «dive» in the casual life of the modern XXI century nomads.


First of all we'd like to show you beauty of our Northern summer! Below is view to our 27th encampment:

IMG 2888

Geographical coordinates of the 27th encampment's place: N 70º06'45,9'' E 068º27'17,5''. Linear distance from the last point – about 3,1 km.

Wild rosemary's flowers: 

IMG 2890 

Argishes among cotton-grass flowers:  

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Alexander with his team: 

IMG 2898

Hasavako with his team: 

IMG 2901

Cotton-grass on the dry lake's place: 

IMG 2902

Albina is leadingher team by foot: 

IMG 2903

In tundra there is time to collect velvet antlers - young covered by fur antlers filled with blood. Albina's brothers are visiting again - they are connected with the velvet antlers's business. There were too many men in our encampment, and it has an unexpected result. We heard before that Nenets like to play volleyball, be we haven't seen the real game before. This time we had a chance: miniature field was constructed with horeys, nartas and coral net. Aphletic apparel of our reindeer herders consists of fur malitsa and water boots. 

Volleyball's field near our encampment: 

IMG 2908

IMG 2922

On July 7th there was a visit of a helicopter in our encampment. It brought neighbor's wife Puine with her newborn daughter Rada, the leader of Yamal district's civil society movement of low-numbered peoples of the North "Yamal" Galina Achemboevna Mataras  and several other guests. We have finally got a long-expected package and letters from our friends and relatives. Thank you all our friends!  

Helicopter with the guests: 

IMG 3021

On July 8th we arrived at our 28th encampment: N 70º08'12,2'' E 068º23'46,7''. Linear distance from the 27th encampment - 3,5 km.  

Teatime before kaslanie:

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Galina Mataras and Alexandra Terekhina:

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Albina, Pedava and mosquitos: 

IMG 3057

Savoli is leading "ty valambi" reindeer before yerkolava. Now are so many mosquitos, and it's really hard work to collect the herd - so reindeer herders usually use this reindeer as a leader:

IMG 3067

A bell-flower in our chum

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Hasavako sleeping in the chum

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Alexandra is preparing tea:

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We are often asked about tundra inhabitant's food ration. As we wrote before, in the summertime Nenets try to not slaughter reindeers, so key product in the ration is fish. But it would be wrong to think that fish can be caught everythere and in sufficient amounts. Almost the whole July we haven't eaten fish because of bad weather conditions: it was impossible to use nets, and men caught jsut a little amount of fish. So our main food is sups and porridge made of rice or macaroni, and also preserved borsch. And we thank our guests for fresh-backed bread and candies! 

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