Hello everybody! Unfortunately we have very limited access to the Internet, because there are not only connection limitations, but also A LOT OF WORK! If one coming to these places for a short time, one remains for locals just a tourist/researcher/friend...a guest anyway. If you stay in a reindeer heardeders' brigde, you are in a big group, where sometimes workers have free time (because there are many of them). But our situation is different. We are here for the whole year, and also in a private reindeer headerers' family, where are only 4 adults at the moment - including us (these days there are five actually, because Miangcha, son of Radik is here and wants to continue kaslanie with us). It means that everybody is busy from early to late.
After we left the elder generation back in Radik's chum, we step bu step went to a certain rythmus of everyday life. Also we live on the separate side of chum now (look at the picture below).
Radik and his wife gave us wooden floor plates, Mamanka and Albina shared with us hooners - bed mats. (to continue please press "Читать полностью)"
When next kaslanie is planned, we usually get up about 7:00 am, and begin to pack our staff and chum it self. Sasha and Kostja build a semi-circle of nartas - corral - for riding reindeers. Then Kostja rides his snowmobile to collect all reindeers who can move awai from the chum to areas around. After breakfast Albina and Alexandra start collect all what belongs to beds - this staff must be packed to a special yuhoona narta, and each side of chum (means each family) has its own yuhoona narta for bed staff: yagushkas (winter clothes) which people here use to cover themselves during cold nights, reindeer fells, foam matrasses, and also our technical staff, stationary and learning materials.
Usually after collecting things there is tea time. When is cold and generally weather is not favorable, we drink tea in chum. But these days it's much warmer, that's why we first dismantle the chum, finish packing all the nartas - and after that drink tea outside of chum out of thermos bottles.
After tea it's time to bring drivin reindeers into the corral and choose some for the riding argishes during this day's kaslanie.
To finish this preparation men are teaming the riding reindeers and stand argishes in lines.
Unexpected came spring, these days the weather is relatively warm: daytime temperature can even climb over 0. We stopped wearing kisi outsite and take out gumboots. On the heels there are already thaw holes to see - herd is usually looking for these places and stop on them.