
«True people» (Nenei nenecha) – self-name of Nenets, the indigenous people of the Yamal peninsula, and the name of the complex 2015–2016 ethnographic expedition. Project participants and the visitors of the resource will be the part of the reindeer herders's family during the whole year just to «dive» in the casual life of the modern XXI century nomads.


A big event happened yesterday in a small Yamal town of Yar-Salay — reindeer herdsman's day. While in Salekhard it is more of a festival for toursits and officials, in Yar-Sale it is a true festival for the herdsmen and tundra people.

Unfortunately, we didn't catch much of it, since our nomadic host family — Kostya and Albina Serotetto, with whom we will roam the tundra for one year — came after us on sunday, the main day of the event, and so we had to run around the town searching for another reindeer-sledge (we calculated we needed five, when in fact we had stuff for 6) and a lasso.

For those of you who follow our adventures, herdsman's brigade #20, whom we visited a few days ago, won the reindeer-sledge race man competition and got a new snowmobile, while MOP "Panaevskoe" won in a team scoring.

Today, on 6th of April 2015, we set off for tundra, where we begin our year-long migration with a traditional northern nomadic family.


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